I found another layout I loved on Pinterest. It is a traditional paper layout so the shadowing was going to be key in lifting it. I had trouble finding a string that could be enlarged to stretch across 12 inches. I'm not entirely happy with the button/string intersection. I had to put shadows on their own layer and then use layer masks to erase shadows that were out of place. Finding banners was tricky, too. I was prepared to make my own with some masks and sheets of paper but I found so many ready made I just went that route. I like the page and it is a true nod to the original, but there are a LOT of differences, too.
This layout works for the Product Challenge at TLP. The challenge was to use patterned paper. I guess the actual patterned sheets of paper I used are only behind the photos, but there is plenty of it in the banners, too.
Twirl - April Product Challenge
Pink Reptile Designs | True to Yourself, Everyday of the Week, Seriously, Heimili - brads, tags, banners
Little Butterfly Wings | Neverending Chores, Free As a Bird, M3 Aug & Sept 14 - stickers, alpha, banner
Allison Pennington | Talk 2 Me, Hayrides & Smiles, Rainy Days & Mondays, Bright, Flock Together - tags, stitiching, buttons, string
Just Jaimee |Doodled Page Borders, M3 Jan 15, Year in Review - stitching, tags, border
Laurie Ann | Stardust Basics, Destination Adventure - pennants
Lynne-Marie | Manic Monday, Land of Odds, Mixed Media, M3 Mar 15 - banners, tag, clock
Forever Joy | Hello, Be - brads, tags
One Little Bird | At Weeks End, Photo Pockets - journal lines, banner
Amy Wolff | Its All Good - tag
Anita Designs | Its Splash Time - string
Heather Joy | The Dorothy - font
This is a scraplift of a traditional paper layout by Nic Howard.
Here's the original: