Sunday, January 26, 2014

Can't Stop!!

     I decided to do a layout for a designer no one else had signed up for AND it satisfies another challenge day.
Painting Cars JSJC Jan. 26
Life 2014: Spiked Solids, Life Cards Currently 1 by Karla Dudley
Tape by Kim Broedelet
Paint by Stolen Moments Design
Flair by Mommyish
Staples by Anita Designs
Layout inspired by Jennifer Flaherty's [First Day of School]

Saturday, January 25, 2014

2 more challenges!!

     I spent the whole beautiful, sunshiny day sitting on the couch scrapping two pages.  It think I need to stop for the rest of the month.
     The second layout took the longest time because each tag was a psd file and there were a LOT of parts to it.  It was originally going to be a layout about Ewan and me, but I came across this picture of Brian and myself and decided it was time to do a layout about us.

Mixing It Up - JSJC Jan. 24

LiveLoveLaugh by Mye de Leon
Font: MTF You Are

Layout inspired by Emilie Stevenson [Life's Little Moments]
Better Together - JSJC Jan. 22
Better Together by Stolen Moments Design
Notched Pocketcards by Tiffany Tillman
Acrylic 1 by Mommyish
Live Love Laugh by Mye de Leon
Motivate by Robyn Meierotto
Lil Man by Kim Broedelet
Inspired by mrphoto's [Expecting]

Frustrated by Blogger

     I don't know how to edit blogger so that when the credits are offset to the left I can get them centered on the page.  I find this pretty frustrating.

JSJC Day 23

     Here is another LARGE photo challenge. 
Sunrise @ School
Better Together by Stolen Moments Design (Pixels & Co.)
Lil Man (frame) by Kim Broedelet (P&C)
Fonts: You Are Loved, Special Elite

Layout inspired by Carole House's "Sweet Life"

Monday, January 20, 2014

JSJC Day 19

  Here's another layout.  The challenge layout had an awesome large black and white photo with texture in the white space.  I couldn't seem to get the texture, but I LOVE the large photo.  I gave it 3 different filters on RadLab.  Just love it....
     I changed many things on the few items I used.  I had to alter the placement on the date bit and blend two numbers to make the year.  I also recolored the acrylic shapes from white to beige.  The lettering was left as is.

Acrylic 1 by Mommyish
This Year 2014, Skinny Stitches by Shannon McNab
Date Me Bits by Kim Broedelet
Photo treatments by RadLab
Layout inspiration by Barbara Unzen "A Poem Without Words"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 13 of the Challenge

     The pockets in the original layout were something I was excited to work with.  The large photo has a lot of distractions in it, but I wanted to tell the story of the peek-a-boo game Vivi and Ewan in the kitchen.  I used three small photos instead of just two like the original.
T for Trouble [paper] by Kim Broedelet
Coming Home by Dawn by Design
Random Words by Robyn Meierotto
Pocket Cards [notched] by Tiffany Tillman

Thursday, January 16, 2014

JSJC - Day 15

     This challenge called for a wide photo with mostly monochromatic colors.  I decided the photo had a fabulous coloring so I went with them for the color palette.  Alexis seems so lost in thought.
I love the layout!
Alexis at 5 AM
Papers by Mommyish, Kim Broedelet, Anita Designs
All About This, Ordinary Moments (elements) by Anita Designs
Fonts: Before the Rain, Matilde, WM2_WendyTeeny
Layout inspired by Linda Roos' "Elias Love"

Sunday, January 12, 2014

JSJC Day 12

    I wanted to do this layout with Vivi in some sunglasses but I couldn't locate those pictures.  I came across this trip to Food Town and lo and behold -- she had on sunglasses! 
     I have had this kit for the longest time and it is so sweet, I thought it would be a good fit.

Olivia by the Ardent Sparrow
Skinny Stitches Frames by Shannon McNab
Font: WM2_WendyTeeny

Inspired by Kate Christensen's [You Are My Life

CT Layout for Gennifer Bursett

     I did a layout for Gen with her Miss Molly papers, but later she posted some elements.  She is not my assigned designer and several others had signed up to use her new kit.  I didn't want to just have her papers, so I decided to join the bandwagon and do another Miss Molly layout.
Miss Molly by Gennifer Bursett
Font: KG Eyes Wide Open

Silly Ewan

   JSJC Day 11.  I had a really hard time picking the papers for this layout.  I liked the original layout's choices so much but I didn't have that kit, so found some alternatives and did a LOT of recoloring.
Various kits by Mye de Leon
Flair by Mommyish
Clip by Dawn by Design
Font: WM2_WendyTeeny
Layout inspired by Celeste Smith [Thankful for You]

Brian at Christmas

     With the blackout with Blogger for a few days, I can't quite remember the order of the layouts I've created so these may not be in the order of creation.  I just hope I can remember them all.
     This one was a JSJC layout Jan.8.  I made this layout first using a flower and the banner enlarged.  In bed that night I wondered what the layout would look like with a smaller banner that was extended.  I really liked the hearts that the original, inspiration layout had, so I added those too.

Making Memories, In the Meadow by Mye de Leon
Fonts: WM2_WendyTeeny, Bebas

Inspired by Laura Passage's "One Moment in Time"
Making Memories, In the Meadow by Mye de Leon
Skyline by Dawn by Design 
Fonts: WM2_WendyTeeny, Bebas

Inspired by Laura Passage's "One Moment in Time"
          You can decide which you prefer.

Boy, Blogger and IE are a pain!

     I have had a great deal of trouble posting layouts on my blog.  I went to the blogger help forum and got some info about the compatibility view settings.  I added and it wouldn't work so I remove it and that has cleared the problem.  Hope all will be smooth from now on.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

JSJC Day 3

    I have been making the last few layouts about Vivian so I felt it was time to scrap about Ewan.  Here is my take on the third day of the challenge:

Dapper Ewan
Trouble with a Capital T by Kim Broedelet
Hipster New Years by Mommyish
Frame by Anita Designs
Font; Bebas, KD Everyday

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Two CT layouts....

     There were two designers who had products go live today, but no one had signed up for them so I spent the afternoon doing two more layouts.  I think they turned out nicely.

Spin, Laugh, Fun
Miss Molly papers, Scarlet Letter by Gennifer Bursett
Favorite Moments template by Anita Designs
Small Victories
Motivate Word Art 2, Motivate Mini Kit, Dude by Robin Meierotto
Fonts: Impact, JustColesCursive

Jump Start January Challenge--Jan. 1 & Jan. 2

     There's a new challenge going on at Pixels and Co.  It is intended to be an inspiration for your own layouts, but I'm pretty much copying the layouts with my own pix and supplies.  Kind of like using a template.  Here are my first two.

Define Good
Hipster Holiday by Mommyish
Font: Sail
oh, baby
Trouble with a Capital T by Kim Broedelet
Skinny Stitches Frames by Shannon McNab
Font:  MA Sexy, Lilly

Friday, January 3, 2014

Second designer layout....

     My designer has submitted all her January Dollar Days kits and I used 4 of the 5 on my first layout.  I still needed to do a layout, so I chose the T for Trouble paper and elements again to make the second layout.  I decided to make it really different from the first one so it should work for my commitment, I hope.  If she produces another kit, I'll do a third.

My Little Imp
Trouble with a Capital T, paper and elements by Kim Broedelet
Font:  MTF Big Ideas

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Day 2013

     After all my CT work, it was fun to do a layout just for me.  I picked up this Anna Aspnes kit just for this photo.  I wanted a blended, artsy layout of Greg and Alexis.  Its a monochromatic theme.
Christmas Day 2013
ArtPlay Christmas Magic by Anna Aspnes
Fonts: Dancing Script, Special Elite

CT Layout #3

     I need to do 2 layouts for my assigned designer and 2 layouts for other designers.  I snagged a kit today by Mommyish and scrapped it the same day.  I have quite a few kits by Mommyish so it was fun to use something new from her.  It is a New Years kit so I used the same photo that I used on the Kim B. layout.  I think the layouts are so different it won't matter.
     So far I have met my requirement to scrap for 2 additional designers.  I only need to do one more for Kim B.  I've been active in the forum and the gallery.  I figure I can use the week-ends to keep up my forum and gallery requirements.

Good-bye 2013
Hipster New Years by Mommyish
Font: Century Gothic

CT at Work

     I did another CT layout for Pixels & Co.   This one is featuring some flairs and charms about a weight lifting program.   I don't lift but I applied the less specific ones to a running layout.  The designer is going to include it when it is featured in the shop.

Run Resolution
Cross-Fit Flairs, Cross-Fit Charms by Jennifer Valencia
T for Trouble by Kim Broedelet
Fonts:  Steelfish, Bebas

First official CT layout for P&C

 It's official I am a CT at Pixels and Company.  I had thought about declining, but Alexis said "Congratulations, Mom" and I thought "Why not go for it?". 
     I have my assigned designer;  Kim Broedelet aka KimB Designs.  I only had one kit by her so her style and kits are new to me. 
     I had a little trouble getting my legs under me to assign my name to her kits on the website, but Sarah Hemmert has been so helpful.  I had to start an "account" at Photobucket so the layouts would be someplace the designer could snag them.  That was a little bit of a challenge, but I did it.  I was on cloud nine to accomplish that hurdle. 
     Here's my first layout.  The alpha and the date stamp are the main focus of this layout.  No other CT claimed them and I felt proud that I could make them the star of the layout (besides the FUN photo, of course).
Happy New Year!
Retrospect Alpha, Date Me Bits, T for Trouble by Kim Broedelet
Font: Bebas