Saturday, January 25, 2014

2 more challenges!!

     I spent the whole beautiful, sunshiny day sitting on the couch scrapping two pages.  It think I need to stop for the rest of the month.
     The second layout took the longest time because each tag was a psd file and there were a LOT of parts to it.  It was originally going to be a layout about Ewan and me, but I came across this picture of Brian and myself and decided it was time to do a layout about us.

Mixing It Up - JSJC Jan. 24

LiveLoveLaugh by Mye de Leon
Font: MTF You Are

Layout inspired by Emilie Stevenson [Life's Little Moments]
Better Together - JSJC Jan. 22
Better Together by Stolen Moments Design
Notched Pocketcards by Tiffany Tillman
Acrylic 1 by Mommyish
Live Love Laugh by Mye de Leon
Motivate by Robyn Meierotto
Lil Man by Kim Broedelet
Inspired by mrphoto's [Expecting]

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