Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A call for November stash layouts...

A call went out for more layouts using the November stash.  One of the designers is my assigned designer.  There is a lot of purple in the stash this month.  I generally do not like purple, but went with it anyway.  Here is the layout for my assigned designer.  I had to do it in a hurry.  If I had more time, I probably would have gone for a more subtle paper instead of the pink.

Amanda Yi Designs | Vintage Daydreams
Font | Shadows Into Light

I did the other layout after getting home from Lexie's house.  Brian and I babysat so Greg could go on an interview and we stayed until Lexie got home from work.  It was so nice to spend the afternoon with Vivian.  This one is pretty late for the designer to use in her newsletter, etc, but I did get it done before the release.  Again, more purple....

home sweet home
Sugarplum Paperie | Hopeless Romantic, Heart Art-Pack Your Bags (alpha)
Pixels & Co. collab | Dream (frame)
Fonts | Ariel, Another Typewriter

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