Saturday, January 10, 2015

MOC Day 10 - Imperfect Photo Challenge

I needed to use an imperfect photo for this challenge.  I chose the only photo I had of Rachel and Chris together from Christmas this year.  It had Lexie's couch in the way so it was perfect for this challenge.

Here's the original photo:

Here is the photo with the RadLab adjustments:

Here is the layout I created:

Family - MOC 2015

MOC Day 10 - Imperfect Photo Challenge

I had to crop out a sofa and blanket from the foreground and I ran 4 stylets from RadLab on the photo.
Pink Reptile Designs | Heimili alpha, Simple Things, Thats Life
Laurie Ann | Summer Cottage
Valorie Wibbens | Sprinkles v30
Allison Pennington | Bright, staple freebie
Little Butterfly Wings | Grungy and Messy
Just Jaimee | Paint brush freebie
Dani Mogstad | All American Summer-ribbon
Amber Shaw | Warmth of Family - lace
Fonts | Problem Secretary Normal, Dancing Script OT

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