Monday, August 31, 2015

Anna Aspnes 4 Anniversary Challenges

Anna Aspnes celebrated her 4th year of being at Oscraps this week. She had a 40% off sale on most of her designs.  I bought 4 ArtPlay Palettes and some element kits.  She also has 4 special challenges in the forum.  One of them is for a chance to be on her CT for 4 weeks.  The layout I did for that was somewhat minimal so I doubt I have a shot at that.  I did them mostly so I could use my new products.

The first challenge required the use of a freebie Mini ArtPlay kit that came with the purchase of $14 of supplies plus 4 additional ArtPlay Palettes.  There needed to be a 4 in the layout somehow like 4 elements/photos or the number 4 .  I put a 4 in the title.


Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Mini Palette 4 You

The second challenge was a color challenge.  I picked the golden color as my inspiration.  The word fortunate or fortune needed to be in the layout and I put it in the journaling.

Hello Self

Anna Aspnes
APP Snapshot
Artsy Layered Template 75
Urban Stitchez No. 3

The third challenge required 4 ArtPlay Palettes in the layout with links to them in the store.


Anna Aspnes
APP Arrive - paper, label, flower
APP Daffodil - brush, buttons
APP Sage - tag, leaf, brush, art stroke
APP Whimsy - charm, frame, ribbon, overlay
Fonts | The Sophia, Pillowbook

The fourth challenge is an AnnaLift with a Twist.  Normally AnnaLifts show an inspiration layout and anything that inspires you then you can do anything you want.  This time there was a brief recipe of items that HAD to be in the layout: 1 frame, 1 clipping mask, 1 bow or ribbon, and 1 brush.  Other things could be added.


Anna Aspnes
APP Posy - frame
Framed Foto Blendz No 1 - clipping mask
Foto Blendz Free Art Sample - clipping mask. combined with the other one
APP Thrive - bow
Taped Texture No 3 - brush
APP Together - brush
APP Arrive - paper

The Inspiration Layout:

Friday, August 28, 2015

Gina Miller Designs

Gina has been very quiet this month.  The Slow Scrap on Tuesday gave out a coupon for participants.  I don't need the coupon but I thought I would put a layout in the gallery just to peak the interest of those who got a coupon.  I used a science/nerd theme for this action packed layout of Rachel, Chris and Ewan's trip to Hawaii.

I love the alpha that came with this kit.


Gina Miller Designs and Jacque Larsen | Big Bang collab

Amy Martin | Whip It Up Mega Vol 2
Font | Another Typewriter

Another Layout for Gina

On A Walk

Gina Miller | My Life collab - paper & elements
Amy Martin | My Life collab - template
Emily Merritt | My Life collab - paper, buttons

Kit available at The Lilypad

Font | Another Typewriter

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pink Reptile Designs - SOSN at The Lilypad

I absolutely loved the bold colors and designs of the Lubdub papers.  I planned the whole layout around them.  The photo is of Lexie and Vivi on The Duck.  It is hard to tell if they are on land or water during this time.  I used just the one photo, but cropped it differently for each frame.

A & V

Pink Reptile Designs

Lubdub | Papers - SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off at The Lilypad!

Wrap 'n' Roll - SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off at The Lilypad!

Buttons - SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off at The Lilypad!

Chunky Crochet Alpha
Freebie frame
Font SmithyXT-Reg

Kim Jensen Designs - SOSN On sale at The Lilypad

I thoughts the dots on this went well with the circles in the photo.  This was the tagline on the photo Rachel sent me.  It was to say thanks for my various donations to the purchase.

... got it!
Kim Jensen Designs

Knotty Bits -  SOSN On sale at The Lilypad

Dotrageous Papers - SOSN On sale at The Lily Pad

Sketchy Characters Alpha -

Stringbats - SOSN - On sale at The Lilypad
Garden Pop - staples
Font | SmithyXT-Regular


SOSN - Amy Wolff

I lifted a layout from Pinterest.  It was from the Basic Gray website.  I searched for the original but couldn't locate it.  I also borrowed an idea from Rozsa from TLP for some inspiration.  The photo really is one of my favorites.

A Favorite Photo

Amy Wolff
Botanical Alpha  SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off!

Masked and Messy - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off!

Botantical - Elements & Papers
Font | Pillowbook

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Slow Scrap at The Lilypad

Tonight was the slow scrap chat.  During the chat I started making a template of the steps as they were given.  I actually followed the template I made pretty well in the end.  I love the kit I used for the LO.


etc by Danyale | Shabby Boho, Abundant - alpha
Amy Martin | Blanc Stitches Vol 2
Font | Another Typewriter

Anna Aspnes Color Challenge for 8-14

The mask that I found set the stage for this layout.  The graphic feel of it lent itself to a boyish layout.
I cloned out the barbeque that was in the corner of the photo.

Deck Smart

Anna Aspnes
AAP Metro Graffiti
AAP Saffron Villa Mini Kit - brads, paint
Artsy Foto Blendz No. 3
Urban Stitchez No. 3
Loop Da Loop No. 1
Sahlin Studio | Grunge - parking sign

Here is the color chart for the challenge:

Monday, August 24, 2015

Last August Challenge at The Lilypad

The last challenge is one about something that is a first for me.  I picked being a grandparent.  I don't have too many baby photos of Ewan on this computer, so I used one where he is 11 days old.

1st Grandbaby
Just Jaimee | Father, In the Garden - paint
Kim Jensen | Copperwood Alphas
Amy Martin | Whip It Up Vol 3
Anna Aspnes | Warping Frames No 1
Fonts | Helena, The Silver Reed

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Take Two Challenge with Pink Reptile Designs Kits

I used two of PRD kits to make this lift of a past layout.  I also used the same template for it.  I loved the original so much, but I think the redo is quite cute.

Here is the original:

Here is the scraplift I did of my own layout (challenge requirements).

That's Some Hair

Pink Reptile Designs
Laugh Out Loud
Amy Martin | Sixty Twelve V. 4
Font | Helena

Anna Lift for August 22 at Oscraps

I entered another layout for an Anna Aspnes challenge.  I tried to use some tape textures but just couldn't make it work.  I decided to go with the large photo with the Blue Heron framed and in intense colors.  I've gotten a lot of comments on it.  I think the paint, twig and thread are great additional touches.

Blue Heron

Anna Aspnes

APP Together
Warping Frames No. 3
Urban Stitchez No. 7
Fonts |Pillowbook, The Silver Reed

Journaling Challenge at TLP

The challenge this month is to create a layout about a wish that we have.  When I started to scroll through the photos in Lightroom, I came across my photo of some of my new art supplies.  I reminded me that I wish I had more painting talent.  No matter though, I intend to paint and have fun!

Art Wish
etc by Danyale
Shabby Boho
Shabby Boho - Indie Mini
Font | Rochester

Saturday, August 22, 2015

3 Word Challenge for M3 August at TLP

I had a lot of fun making this layout.  There is a ton of blending that went into it.  I cloned out some text on the card of Alice, then I duplicated it with each layer having a different blending mode.  I also used some blending modes on the graphics on a card and blended them on the background.  I also blended the pink bg paper onto a pink paper.  I found the quote on Pinterest.  I highlighted some words with the kit alpha.  Since my word was "idea" I was sure to highlight it.

How Unprecedented You Are
M3 August 15 Main Kit by Lynne-Marie, Little Butterfly Wings, Sissy Sparrows
Font | Manhattan Darling

August Template Challenge for Kate Hadfield

I used a kit for this challenge that I got recently but hadn't used.  It was a great opportunity to used the group shot of Vivi's graduation program.

I used the quarterly sale at TLP to pick up some more papers and two alphas for future challenges at Kate's blog.

Preschool Graduation
Kate Hadfield
Blues 'n' Greens
Comic Alpha
Painted Pretties
August Template Challenge Freebie
CD Muckosky | The Bright Life - arrow
Font | The Dorothy

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Pink Reptile Designs -- New Release

Mirjam released a set of brushes today.  They were easy to recolor.  I love the vibrancy of the design on Ewans shirt.  The background paper is once of my favorite colors.

What I Like About You

Pink Reptile Designs 
Stamp It No. 2
What I Like About You
Font | The Rose

August Wolff Pack at The Lilypad

Amy Wolff's newest Wolff Pack is on sale at The Lilypad today.  It is 30% off for the week-end.  I picked the background paper because I love giant polka dots and Ewan loves the color orange.  I had a lot of overlays and doodles on the background but cleaned it up for the final page.  I love the progression of expressions when he is on the computer playing his car racing games.

Computer Games

Amy Wolff
August Papers: August Wolff Pack
August Messy Edges: August Wolff Pack
August Alphas: August Wolff Pack
Manic Monday - tag
Messy Marvin Deconstructed - elements
Elizabeth Albers | A Piece of Me - template
Font | The Dorothy

A second layout with the Papers and Messy Edges part of the Wolff Pack.  I love the colors on this.

The International Fountain

Amy Wolff

August Papers: August Wolff Pack

 August Messy Edges: August Wolff Pack

 It's All Good - elements
 Bit of This - banner
Amy Martin | Whip It Up Vol. 3 - template
 Font | Century Gothic, Manhattan Darling

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

SOSN -- Pink Reptile Designs

This was a really fun layout to make.  I knew I would make it when I got stopped on the way to Lexie's house.  I took several photos.  I love how it turned out.

Draw Bridge

Pink Reptile Designs 
Check Out My Ride: Elements -- ON SALE TODAY (8-19-15) for 50% OFF at The Lilypad
Check Out My Ride: Papers -- ON SALE TODAY (8-19-15) for 50% OFF at The Lilypad
Check Out My Ride: Alpha -- ON SALE TODAY (8-19-15) for 50% OFF at The Lilypad
Downtown - button, sign
Simple Things - frame
That's Life - frame

SOSN -- Kim Jensen Designs

I've been sitting on these photos for a long time.  It was perfect for Kim's school themed kits this week.

I started this layout with a template, but just couldn't make the design work with the two photos.  I ended up going with my own design.

The Kitchen

Kim Jensen Designs  --  Each kit used is ON SALE TODAY (8-19-15) for 50% off at The Lilypad.
Stringbats 2
Shabby School Papers
Torn Tape Dates
Because I Said Sew
Fonts | HelloBoxStitch, The Silver Reed

SOSN -- Amy Wolff

I documented my wheat free diet of last winter.

Wheat Free

Amy Wolff & Kaye Winiecki | Can't Eat This collab -- ON SALE WED., 8-19-15, 50% OFF at The Lilypad
Amy Wolff | Beach Cottage alpha
Amy Martin | Whip It Up_Mega_Vol 4
Font | The Silver Reed

August Template Challenge at TLP

I enlarged the template and repositioned the photo frames.  I had to separate the frames so they were more visible since I chose some very busy background papers.  I recolored the corner paper at the top so it wouldn't interfer with the colored photo.

Play Set

Pink Reptile Designs & Michelle Godin | What A Wonderful Day collab 
Amy Martin | August Template Challenge freebie
Font | Covered By Your Grace

August White Space Challenge at The Lilypad

I used a new kit from Pink Reptile Designs for this white space challenge.  The paper is busy but still qualifies as white space.

Blue Heron

Pink Reptile Designs & Michelle Godin | What A Wonderful Day collab
Amy Martin | They Once Were 3 - template, A Bit More Mess_Piles - threads
Fonts | The Blanche, HL Thuphap 1BK, Courier New

Saturday, August 15, 2015

PRD August Blog Challenge "Scatter Matters"

I made a sample layout for a blog challenge at Mirjam's blog.  It was fun to see it in the forum.  I am so loving my guest spot there.

Us Forever

This layout was completed for the PRD August Blog Challenge, "Scatter Matters", at Pink Reptile Designs.  Hop on over to the blog to join the fun and a chance to win a $10 coupon towards her fabulous designs.
Pink Reptile Designs
Lean On Me
Accident Prone
Drawn To You
Fold Em - frame
Love the Life You Live
Gesso It

Friday, August 14, 2015

Pink Reptile Designs -- In The Garden

Here is another layout with the mini kit from Pink Reptile Designs.  I added some things from her collab with Amy Wolff, Homegrown.

This is a fun series of photos of a RARE time of yard work with Brian and Vivian.

Yard Work

Pink Reptile Designs
In The Garden


All Eyes On You alpha

Font | The Rose

Froggy Friday at The Lilypad -- Pink Reptile Designs

Mirjam put a mini kit she had in the Digi Parade into The Lilypad today.  I had picked up the kit when it was a freebie.  It was great to make a layout with it.  The saga of my tomatoes goes with the kit perfectly.  Got the title idea first and then took two more photos to match it.  I made the layout with all the squares the small size, didn't like that, though.  After I had posted it, I took the layout down and increased the square size of the photos, which I liked much better.

My Tomatoes

Pink Reptile Designs
In The Garden
Font | Pea Mel's In Between

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Artsy Portrait

I saw this mixed media portrait by Michelle Caplan and decided I should try it digitally.  The photograph she had worked better for this than my photo.  I used a boatload of layer masks, blending modes and reduced opacities to achieve my layers.


Amy Wolff | La Vie Boheme, Currently, Bryant Park
Lynne-Marie | Eclectic
Little Butterfly Wings | The Little Things
Allison Pennington | Mars & Venus
Sissy Sparrows | Room 19: Project 4
CD Muckosky | World of Wonder
Lorie Murphy | Junque Burlap
Layout inspired by the art of Michelle Caplan

AnnaLift 8-8-15 at Oscraps

I enjoyed another opportunity to use my Anna Aspnes products.  I lifted the open ended frame for my take on the challenge.  I immediately thought of this photo Brian took on one of our walks.

This Way

Anna Aspnes
AP Mini Palette Honor
APP Metro Graffiti
Loop Da Loop
Urban Stitches Leaves No 1
City Limits Sampler
Font | The Rose

Here is the inspiration layout:

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Speed Scrap at The Lilypad

I followed the steps all the way with one cheat.  After I submitted it to the forum and gallery, I decided to tweak the layout some more.  I flipped some of the cluster positions to make it work better with the bold paper.


Nancie Rowe Janitz | Free Spirit - papers & tapes 

Pink Reptile Designs | All Eyes On You - elements 

Font | Pea Mel's In Between

Here is the layout I did for the Speed Scrap:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Kim Jensen - School Zone Plus Bundle - SOSN at The Lilypad

Kim's kits had a lot of paper products and realistic desk items.  It made me think of school and what I would be doing this month IF I were still teaching.  It is a lot of writing and no photos.


Kim Jensen
School Zone Plus Bundle - SOSN on sale TODAY for 50% off at The Lilypad
The bundle includes: The Notebooks, The Three R\'s Alpha, School Zone Elements, and School Zone Papers
Fonts | Mel's In Between, Another Typewriter

Pink Reptile Designs - Downtown & Stamp It no. 1 - SOSN at The Lilypad

I fell in love with the city scene paper.  I thought a page about the mini would be perfect.  I did the light painting with color on the buildings with the brush tool.  The car extraction had to be adjusted with some cloning, erasing and brush work.

My Mini
Pink Reptile Designs
Stamp It no. 1
Downtown Freebie 
Font | Notepaper Airplanes

Amy Wolff - Chasing the Sun - SOSN at The Lilypad

I loved this large circle graphic paper.  I planned the entire layout around it.  To set off the photo of Rachel and Chris I added a mask that matches the solid paper.

I took the photo off Rachel's facebook timeline.

Chris & Rachel

Amy Wolff | Chasing the Sun

Anna Aspnes | Frame Foto Blendz 7

Font | HL Thuphap 1BK


Saturday, August 8, 2015

BYOC Challenge for August at The Lilypad

I used something from every BYOC I got except for the ones from Nancie Rowe Janitz.  I'll get her into another layout soon.  This is so lush looking.  I used about 6 stylets on the photo turning it a dreamy black and white and layered it with the color photo.

I've Got My Eyes On You

Kim Jensen | Copperwood Alphas

Amy Wolff | La Vie Boheme Elements

Pink Reptile Designs | All Eyes On You

Gina Miller | Glitz Flowers

Lynne-Marie | Abigail Papers & Elements

Etc by Danyale | Abundant

Font | Helena


Friday, August 7, 2015

Pink Reptile Designs -- August BYOC at The Lilypad

This is so exciting!  I get to make a layout for Mirjam for her three BYOC kits.  I lifted a layout I've admired from Pinterest.  It was a traditional paper layout with some hand drawn lines.  I had to ditch the waving cut outs I made to mimic the hand cut papers.  I tried drawing lines with the mouse and that didn't work out either.  So it was more of a nod to the original.  It is a New Year's Eve theme, but the papers and colors could be any time of year.

Wild and Kind of Crazy

Pink Reptile Designs

All Eyes on You Elements -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad

All Eyes on You Papers -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad

All Eyes on You Alpha -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad

Fonts | Amelian Script, Angelina

Here is the original layout I lifted:
by soapHOUSEmama

Amy Wolff BYOC Layouts for August

Amy had some papers and an alpha available first and wanted us to get started if we chose to.  I lifted a traditional paper page.  I seem to be drawn to these pages with LOTS of banners.  With paper, it is easier to get a good layering and the shadows happen naturally.  It is a LOT HARDER with digital and PSE.
Love U
Amy Wolff:

La Vie Boheme Papers -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad
La Vie Boheme Alpha -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad

A Little Bit of This Elements

Lynne-Marie | DYY Banners
Amy Martin | Banners

A Scraplift of a traditional paper layout by lingovise.

After a few days, Amy had some elements ready to go, so I made a layout featuring them.


Amy Wolff:
La Vie Boheme Elements
La Vie Boheme Papers
La Vie Boheme Alpha
Valorie Wibbens | Topography No. 22

Kim Jensen - BYOC at The Lilypad

Kim has an alpha for the BYOC this month.  Because it is only an alpha, it was necessary to get papers and elements from other kits.  I fell in love with the large flower paper from Lynne-Marie and the black and white graphic.  I think they make a great pair.  I like how the alpha is so prominent in this layout for Kim.


Kim Jensen | Copperwood Alphas -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad

Lynne-Marie | Abigail -- August BYOC on sale at The Lilypad

Font | Notepaper Airplanes

Another layout for Kim shows her alpha used as scatter.  I also used lots of things from other kits by her.

You & Me

Kim Jensen:
Copperwood Alphas
Bloomin Twisted
Bloomin Rolled
City Street
Abstra Typogra Papers
Font | Notepaper Airplanes

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gina Miller - BYOC

Gina got a late start on the BYOC and posted the kits tonight.  I put together this second layout.  The papers and flowers are so pretty.  The mask I used and the photos are meant to go with the saying on the journal card.  They are a bit too grungy looking to really fit the colors and designs.  I'm not all that happy with it.  Maybe it's too imperfect....

I Am Imperfect

Gina Miller Designs

Glitz Papers -  BYOC 20% off all week-end at The Lilypad

Glitz Flowers - BYOC 20% off all week-end at The Lilypad

Filler Notecards 25 - BYOC 20% off all week-end at The Lilypad

Other:  Erica Zwart | Mix of Masks 1

Font | The Dorothy

I like this first layout much better.

From My Garden

Gina Miller

Glitz Papers, Glitz Flowers, Filler Notecards 25
Be The Best You - button
Farmer's Market - leaves
Lime In the Coconut - frame
Mash Up 13 - scatters
Lacy Bits - lace
Font | Unnamed Melody