Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pink Reptile Designs - SOSN at The Lilypad

I absolutely loved the bold colors and designs of the Lubdub papers.  I planned the whole layout around them.  The photo is of Lexie and Vivi on The Duck.  It is hard to tell if they are on land or water during this time.  I used just the one photo, but cropped it differently for each frame.

A & V

Pink Reptile Designs

Lubdub | Papers - SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off at The Lilypad!

Wrap 'n' Roll - SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off at The Lilypad!

Buttons - SOSN - On sale today (8-26) for 50% off at The Lilypad!

Chunky Crochet Alpha
Freebie frame
Font SmithyXT-Reg

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