Sunday, June 19, 2016

Two Designer Challenges at The Lilypad: Fiddle-Dee-Dee Designs and Little Butterfly Wings

Cheryl of Fiddle-Dee-Dee Designs gives a free template with her challenges.  I kept it pretty close to the original but did shrink it a bit and moved it into the upper, right corner a bit. I reduced a side tab and enlarged the journaling spot.

So you...
Fiddle-Dee-Dee Designs | Fiddlesticks Number 8 - June challenge freebie
Etc by Danyale | Turn the Page, Turn the Page Alphabet Soup
Font | Quicksand

Here is the template:

This layout is for Little Butterfly Wings Template Challenge.  All the other entries were sticking pretty close to the template and I wanted to see how much I could change it up and still have it be recognizable as her template.  I think I achieved it pretty nicely!

Blast Off!
Little Butterfly Wings
Monthly Template Freebie June '16
I Am A Prince (retired)
Embrace Life - alpha
Fonts | Sammies Sans Serif Mixed Up, Smithy XT-Regular

Here is the original challenge template:

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