Friday, August 29, 2014

Last day of swim lessons...

Vivian got to go down the giant water slide at the end of her last session of swim lessons at Lindbergh Pool.  She was really brave to go up the giant steps and to slide down.  I captured her expression as she exited the slide.  It is priceless.
She did a great job during the 2 weeks of lessons and made great strides.  She dunked, got her hair wet, showered by herself in the dressing room and leapt off the side of the pool without holding on to the instructor.  She will need to repeat this session until she can bob under the water at least 5 times.  Multiple bobs or not everyone is so proud of her!

Splash Zone
Anita Designs | It's Splash Time
Font | KG Eyes Wide Open (perfect font for the photo!)

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