Thursday, July 23, 2015

M3 Three Word Challenge

The three words were: stand up, heroic, freedom.  I went with the idea of freedom.  I was thinking of the emotions I'm going through with my new painting class.  I have watched a few of the videos and bought $200 of supplies. I experimented with just some Crayola watercolors and regular pencil in my composition book and had fun. I made two girls, the second one was better than the first.  Now that I've collected the same supplies that the teacher has, I find my kind of frozen to start painting more.  Crazy I know.

Create Freely

All Mixed Media Monthly (M3) from the Lilypad:

Sissy Sparrows - Jan 15 - alpha, butterfly
July 15 - alpha, paper

Lynne-Marie - girl, paper
Headlines - wordart

Quirky Heart - July 15 - starburst, flowers

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