Friday, July 5, 2013

4th post for Pixels & Co.

     I completed my 4th CT layout for Pixels and Co. which is my obligation.  I believe I have used something from every kit I downloaded with the exception of some sequins that I didn't actually request, but were a "free with order" item.  I have to admit that it feels good to know I've fulfilled the requirement.
     I think I need to put the computer away for a while because I've had my nose in it pretty constantly and I need to focus on my precious family.  I will be leaving soon and I want to enjoy real time with Vivian, Lexie and Greg.
     The photo was taken by Alexis.  I used the lessons from "Good to Great" at to enhance the photo which was fairly dark with lots of shadow.  I think it is about the only picture of me on this trip.  I need to get into more of them.  Here is the layout:

Paper Strip template by Ardent Sparrow
She Creates by Dawn by Design (Pixels&Co.)
You Are My Sunshine; Torn and Stitch (P&C)
Fonts:  MTF Pork Chop, MTF Big Ideas

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